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“At 75, I feel as good as—even better than—I did when I started here 19 years ago.”


“I'm a convert–most of my family has now taken Pilates. Here's our motto "Growing old is not for sissies.”


“A bit skeptical, just thought I'd give it a try…7 1/2 years later, I'm so grateful I did.”

Judith, UT Music Professor

A Wendy LeBlanc-Arbuckle wearing a purple shirt and a microphone is smiling.

Hello there, my name is Wendy LeBlanc-Arbuckle, Founder of the Pilates Center of Austin.

Rather than launching into all the reasons, our SeniorFit™ Program is the perfect fitness regimen for 50-80-somethings -which it is! So - I'd like first to talk to you, not just as the Founder of the Pilates Center of Austin, but as a 
baby boomer!

I am in my mid-seventies–and you know what, being a Master Teacher with 45 years experience grants me no reprieve. As we age into our 60's and beyond, our bodies change.

We’re simply not as resilient as we used to be. There is stiffness when we get out of bed in the morning, and there are aches that ask, a little louder, for our attention.

There’s simply no way around it.  As we move into our senior years, we must continually be more attentive to our body's needs. But, if we are, we can absolutely maintain adaptability, coordination, and strength. This is why I'm so grateful for my own personal daily Pilates practice.

Now, isn't that what we all want?

At this stage of our lives, we're not particularly interested in downhill slalom skiing, being the lead in Swan Lake, or having a butt you can bounce a quarter off. What we do want is to be able to live an active and vital life.

We want to move with a sense of ease and grace into our later years–whether that be in our garden, on the golf course, traveling, hiking, or playing with our grandchildren.

So here's the bottom line (excuse the pun)–YOU CAN HAVE THAT KIND OF LIFE! But, there's one key condition–You have to get up and move to have it. 

It is never too late to start! Let me say that again. It is NEVER too late to start!

So let's do this.

To your best Life,

Wendy LeBlanc-Arbuckle and the PCA Staff

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