This past year of mentoring with Wendy has been life changing. I knew I wanted to do a mentorship because I had many trainings and I was trying to figure out how to bring them all together. That’s exactly what happened through my year-long Passing the Torch with Wendy.

She opened the door to biointelligence. She helped me see, feel and know that my body is not parts and pieces that require I do something to, but rather, an amazing intelligent system that relates as a whole to gravity and space. From this program, I am in an exploration of how to embody not just Pilates, but all movement, as I learned to unravel chronic sacral pain. Wendy has taught me to ask questions, be curious, be fascinated, to yield and to receive – in all areas of my life. Embodied living!
– Tammy Tepper
It’s a rare gift to find a skilled practitioner – in any field – that shares their knowledge in ways that offer profound, long-term development with room for your own interpretations, your own style, background and experience. That is why I think Wendy is unique, as is her Passing the Torch Mentoring Program. Wendy has such a breadth and depth of knowledge of the body, anatomy, movement, Pilates and the science behind all of it, as well as how that information has changed over time, that it’s impossible not to – finally! – connect the dots of my teaching prior to this program to the future teaching I want to be doing. She is a visionary mover and teacher, and a profoundly kind and nourishing person who is deeply invested in acknowledging and respecting you as the best version of yourself; its impossible not to want to honor the gift of her belief in you. There was a time when I thought I was making an investment in a mentorship program with Wendy, but what I realize now is that I made an investment in myself. Thank you, Wendy!
- Marcia Brenner
Being in Wendy’s Passing the Torch Mentoring program deepened my curiosity and interest in movement and consciousness as something that goes beyond just doing exercises. Wendy’s perspective on bio intelligent movement is rooted in the holistic view that understands the role of the mind and the embodiment of the infinite intelligence in who we are as movements that not only helped me explore deeper my inner world but also to see how that awareness reflected my daily life. To me, the foundation of 3Core Connection Perspective, down the back up the front, is about connecting the spiritual and the physical and is truly an integration of practicing living in the moment fully through embodied awareness, and applies to any movement or bodywork discipline.
- Yuki Yoshii
It is hard for me to put into words what this PTT Mentoring program has meant to me. There have been so many layers of exploration and growth expanding my perspective and experience in this life. To me it has created a deeper felt sense of the interconnection of life. Whether I am exploring the relationships happening within my body, or how I relate to a piece of equipment, the earth, or another human being, there is no separation. This is something that I believe so many of us grasp intellectually, but it is a beautiful and wondrous thing to feel it and understand it with my whole being. The friendships and bonds created over the course of the year are reminders that I am never alone, that I can always ask for help, and that curiosity and vulnerability are powerful bonds. They are special connections that will always be present for the rest of my life. I am moving forward from this year having expanded as a teacher, a friend and a human being. There are no words to truly express the gratitude I have for this experience.
- Carrie Bellanger
Wendy's work invites us to look beneath any particular movement system to some of the truths of what it means to live and move in a human body. Her work and understanding of the bio intelligent body actually helps connect and clarify how everything I teach supports people in moving well by connecting them to their own innate wisdom. As a longtime Pilates and GYROTONIC® Teacher, it is so inspiring and refreshing to think about what unifies us as moving humans in these systems as opposed to what differentiates us and them.
Elaine Economou
When I met Wendy for the first time in the summer of 2016 I was immediately struck by her kindness, supportiveness, style of teaching, and wisdom. Her weekend course in Vermont was on the heels of a not so wonderful Pilates training that left me skeptical and mad that I had invested a lot of time and money in a program I had lost confidence in, by teachers I did not respect. Timing was perfect for me to meet someone like Wendy who seemed to talk the talk and walk the walk. She spoke to me as a Physical Therapist and Manual therapist, but I was still in search for how to incorporate Pilates in a way that was real for me. What did I learn? I have a greater appreciation of the body and how it is truly put together, how the body communicates and responds to activity and inactivity and how it can become “broken or sticky”. I now have a greater understanding for how and when I can help people work through their struggles and my personal “tool box” is fuller than ever! I have been exposed to the ground-breaking studies and knowledge of the “new” leaders of the art and science of movement and I have a new appreciation for power of communication through nervous system co-regulation and the tools to utilize. I’m looking forward to the possibility of mentoring other P.T.’s in my new Pilates and whole-body knowledge. I am truly transformed in so many ways… ways I could not have known before, ways I am so surprised to understand. I am personally in a new place as well. I am more aware of what feeds me; what I need to learn, what I already know, what is important part of me I need to nurture, what makes me happy, what I can let go of. Its again, impossible to completely explain, but I FEEL different. SO, I am ready for what comes my way in the next chapter of my life, as I am more grounded and thus more able to fly. Dear Wendy, I am eternally grateful for you! For the amazing opportunity I was offered to be able to study and learn with you. For your gentle, wise leadership. YOU are everything I had hoped for and nothing I could have expected from in the journey of PTT. THANK YOU!!!!
- Lori Quinn
Wendy, and her mentoring program, changed my life and my teaching in profound ways. I went into it with the goal of learning how to trust my intuition with myself and my clients and her guidance and compassion completely allowed me to find that. The professional and personal benefits grew me and my practice into a much more present and generous teacher and my relationships with clients deepened tremendously not to mention my relationship with myself. Wendy offers so much more than I even realized signing up.
- Jennifer Durning
I’ve tried to explain to many clients and colleagues what the Passing the Torch Mentoring Program with Wendy has meant for me and I feel like I almost always fall short of doing it justice. How do you share in a soundbite what it feels like to shed old skin and be re-born in your perspective of yourself, others, and in your relationship to the world around you? In a year Wendy helped to unpack new perspectives for me and my colleagues in a gentle way that has naturally welcomed adopting a natural pursuit and discovery of new ways of seeing and asking questions and trusting that the answers are present when we listen. What seemed obvious before has softened into a different way of being open to all the things that I don’t know or of which I am unaware. Old paradigms have melted with alarming speed. In their wake have emerged deep waves of guiding peace that revealed that it is in the questioning where the answers for the moment are nearly always to be found. If anyone wants to shed their skin and to emerge with new wings, don’t reach for a Red Bull. Take a year and study with Wendy LeBlanc Arbuckle and learn how to live, how to “meet” life, with a coordinated perspective. You will not be the same person that you started and you will find yourself like me- sitting at the dining room table the day before the week of your last intensive, wondering how in the world to explain to the other people in your life that nothing has changed but everything has in fact become new.
- Christine Ivy
The Passing the Torch Mentoring Program has been life changing in so many ways. I have grown professionally, personally, and carry a greater sense of connection as a whole to the people I am around and my environment. Wendy has modeled being fully present with each conference call, movement session, and teaching moment. The content and exploration of her embodied approach which she calls the 3Core Perspective has forever changed my Pilates practice and teaching. The mastery and design of the year established trust and the environment for deep personal growth to happen for each of us and deeply supported how we interacted collectively.
- Jana Logan
I never thought the program will be like this. I not only learn Pilates and many other theory and very intensive reading assignment which is hard for me. I also challenge myself and realize some of my short coming like procrastination and communication, and start improving it, Wendy is a real life coach to me. Wendy’s positive style of teaching is really impressive to me, I really experience and learned a lot from it, it really change my teaching to a much better level.
- Walter Zhang
If you’re looking for a program that will truly transform not only how you practice and teach Pilates, but also your way of being with yourself and others, I highly recommend the Passing the Torch mentorship program with Wendy Leblanc-Arbuckle. I was drawn to this program because, as a classically trained teacher, I wanted to explore and gain a deeper understanding of our living anatomy, teaching and whole body movement. I’m about halfway through the program and it’s been so much more than I ever imagined! It’s opened my eyes to new ways of thinking about our bodies and ourselves and how we connect with each other. Our bodies are not things that need to be controlled or mastered – we are a living process with our own limitless possibilities. The program also gives you the opportunity to forge relationships not just with Wendy, who is amazingly accessible and supportive, but with the other participants. It provides a completely safe space to explore, question, reflect and grow.
- Dena Tarpley
Circling back around to be in Wendy’s yearlong Passing The Torch Mentoring program, after graduating from her former Core Connections Teacher Training and also teaching at The Pilates Center of Austin was so important for me. Wendy is always evolving, and each experience with her creates a new depth of understanding. In the Passing the Torch, my cellular understanding of embodied cueing, both verbal and hands-on, was magnified to a level that transformed me personally and professionally. I go to work everyday knowing that I’m handing off a life changing gift to clients that we experience together. Teaching never feels robotic, I’m never grasping for “what I should do”, and every session is a new creation.
- Mandie Pitre
On the very first beginning of the Passing the Torch Mentoring Program, when I read Wendy's words about "vitality, inner teacher, find your voice, be yourself when teaching! " I said to myself, what is that?? Then during the study of the special readings, Wendy asked me to search the influences of the places I judge or inhibit myself on my teaching! I got almost angry! because I could not see any relation! But then I found it !!! and then after that, so much came open in myself and I "rested", for the first time in my life, within myself and had that wonderful feeling of TRUST ! I start trusting myself and Wendy, that led me through a path to my deeper self, where I met all her words from the beginning of inner teacher, vitality, find my voice and BE myself when I am teaching! I do not stop from thanking her every time I am teaching with so much joy, vitality and finding the NEW in each class and with each client! THANK YOU, Wendy for sharing your path with us!
- Inez Fontoura
I was one of the graduates from the "Passing the Torch" Mentoring Program 2016-2017. Studied with Wendy was a profound journey for me. She guided me to aware of the relationships within myself, with one another, and with the environment. When I started with inquiry during self-practice (e.g. How do I feel? What is missing?) instead of focusing on doing the repertoire correctly (i.e. as per teaching manual), this way of practice/thinking taught me to choose proper props/equipment at a particular moment and encouraged explorations. The experience of being with myself in self-practice, being with client in teaching, and being with props/equipment were guided by own biointelligence.
Biointelligence is in everyone's body. It is intangible. Follow my own biointelligence is quite challenged sometimes. It is too easy to go back to the previous way of thinking (i.e. the body can be fixed by something). Just like old habits that happen in our lives. What is importance for me is to "catch" it (the old habits), being with it (the old/new habits), and letting go (even if I do it right). Fortunately, the new way of thinking can be cultivated by the action of "being" as stated in previous paragraph, and spend as much time as possible to walk in the nature. The biointelligence way of thinking create a ripple effect in my life recently. I am more willing to open a dialogue with people, become a more environmental friendly person, and de-clutter my belongings in order to save time for more important aspect in my life --- Keep cultivating my own biointelligence and share my experience with others.
- Iris Cheung
For years, I have had such a passion for Pilates and am so amazed by how my body feels after doing mat/reformer/tower/springs/etc.! I absolutely love the Pilates Practice and so wanted to enrich my profession and my love of movement!
Mentoring with Wendy, my practice and awareness did just that... and has moved from an exercise to meaningful thoughtful movements allowing the body to 'let go' and find what strengthens and heals rather than 'just doing.' As a teacher I have become even more authentic and a guide to my clients. Awareness and noticing the 'whole body' is apparent in every movement.. A whole new perspective of moving as opposed to 'just working out!' The year with Wendy definitely deepened my awareness of the internal-external connection of the body, connections, relationships, and the natural biointellligence of healing. Wendy sparks curiosity and joyfulness of life in so many aspects of who we really are.
- Linda Swain
Participating in Wendy’s Passing the Torch (PTT) mentoring program has been one of the most significant experiences of my life. I am ever grateful to Wendy for sharing her amazing perspectives on movement, teaching and being in the world, for her encouragement, challenges, and support. Participating in this program has changed how I think about movement, being, my life and life in general. It has set me on a path of exploring, learning, sharing, and being in the world and relationships that will be continuous. Wendy’s 3Core Connections® Embodied Perspective may sometimes seem counter to traditional approaches to movement. However, it helps us reach with less effort the same goals of supported, strong, fluid movement. As I continue to explore further and deeper, my respect and appreciation for Wendy and her ability to create such an effective perspective and language for communicating biointelligent movement and teaching has deepened too. Each member of our PTT group possesses unique knowledge, wisdom, talents and life experiences. Their sharing has widened my perspective and inspired me. It’s rare to have an opportunity to spend such a long and intense amount of time with people other than family. Over this this year, people were able to share vulnerabilities and deeply personal experiences and feelings and to feel supported by the group. These PTT participants and Wendy have become my PTT family. I am incredibly thankful and honored to have been part of this group of explorers this year.
- Lisa Schechter
This PTT Program with Wendy has changed my life in all ways. It´s definitely not just a Pilates exercise program!! It´s beyond I could ever imagine. Wendy shares with us her soul and her passion about what she has learned and experienced through her entire life, but, even better and richer than that, she listens and allows us to explore and have our own experience; all without any judgement. That´s HUGE! . This changes completely the way we are in the program, the way our minds open and expand to places, thoughts and feelings and observations that have been there but they were just waiting for some permission to happen and explode. There is not RIGHT or WRONG. I deeply recommend this Program to experienced Pilates Instructors, Movers...looking forward to expand themselves and look beyond Pilates, exercises routines... Wendy is such an amazing human being, woman, mover, thinker... She is one in a billion and I feel blessed of having this opportunity to share this year with her. Her guidance, her love, her passion, her compassion..those eyes full of joy and excitement, craving for more experience to see, pure, open wide. She makes possible the fluidity of the love and respect so you can find the best inside you and realize how much you have to share with the rest of the world. We very often forget how far we can go if we come from places of compassion, love, open minds, not judgment, respect, real and deep listening !!! This Program has offered me new eyes to see... I´m craving for reading and learning more than ever....and I plan to continue this for my entire life... Now I feel more compassionate with myself, my relationships, my environment and Earth.
- Maria Fernandez
Looking back at this year has been surreal. The person I am today is whole. The “lacking” parts of me have faded away and have been replaced with creative, intuitive confidence. Those two words creativity and intuition were deeply begging to surface in my teaching and even more in my life. My life has transformed beyond my expectations. In the beginning, when people asked me what kind of program/Mentorship I was in I would answer “Pilates with some yoga influence.” Now my answer is “I’m studying movement as a way of being through a Pilates approach” and elaborate when asked. I’ll be honest and confess that I wasn’t quite sure how the program would do all the things that you wanted us to imagine it would. But it did and more. I am in a constant state of inspiration from how inspired my students are over what I’m always sharing. They are interested in how to grow themselves through more movement and self awareness outside of class. That has been something I’ve always wanted to communicate but I didn’t have the language to tie it all in. Now when a student asks “how do I get to where I can do a full squat”, I simply reply with knowledge I’ve gained from this year. What has opened up for me has been my intuitive eye. My vision has shifted from a thinking/automatic vision to a much more clear and whole vision in such a way I can “see” and pick up on stuff going on in my clients body, mind and emotions. I’m getting such a sense of the energetic and subtle body relationship to posture and movement that I am always in awe that I’ve tapped into that amazing ability. I’m in the early stages with this new found ability, but I can already see the power and healing taking place now and hugely in the future. The way I move has also greatly shifted. I no longer feel like I have to work out and I have to push my self. I am in a loving relationship with my body and moving in more natural ways actually inspires me to move more and with deeper awareness that joy is present. I actually play on the playground with my daughter and am curious about how I can move myself in different ways-ways that my ancestors may have once moved. Speaking of ancestors, I sometimes have this profound feeling that I’m moving from the memory or with a presence of all my great ancestors. When I think about my body’s deep intelligence I think about all the memories my connective tissue has from my past lives’ ancestors. It’s profound! And so easy to then see how we are all one and how movement helps us remember who we are. –Melody Benton
The Passing the Torch Mentoring Program was an incredible experience for me. I went into it wanting to grow as a human being and as a teacher, especially. I wanted to build on the work I had already done with Wendy in the Core Connections Teacher Training Program. I knew that going deeper with Wendy, after having a few years of experience under my belt would help me to progress as a guide for others. I got so much more than I ever bargained for.
I see the teaching that Wendy is doing as revolutionary. What I have learned through her body mapping methodology and through this program, has given me insight into movement that goes far beyond learning exercises and muscles. I am learning the wisdom of the body and its relationship to gravity and space. I have been able to help clients find flexibility, movement with ease, strength, balance and fluidity. I feel that I have become a stronger person because of the Mentorship. I learned about communication, support, teamwork, mindfulness, professionalism, integrity and so much more. I am now bringing what I learned into my relationships, work with Pilates clients, and to teachers in training. I highly recommend this program with Wendy. I am so grateful to have been part of the first group with her.
- Nanci Patch
Talk about serendipity! This Passing The Torch program could have gone seriously awry. But, somehow, through a path of least resistance, I found Wendy’s program and even more amazing, I met fellow explorers who helped to create a most magical sojourn this past year. It is interesting to think that something so provocative, luscious, vibrant, challenging, and soul-investing happened because of what I wasn’t able to find in my pervious courses in Pilates…and lord knows, I’ve taken a lot of courses. What I have to be really grateful for is that putting my trust in the process really was fulfilling. I didn’t even know what I didn’t know. I hadn’t realized what I was missing until I was exposed to some other possible ways to explore not only the body but the way of thinking about the body. What is that? Life, perhaps? Because I engaged in this program, I now know that the quest for perfection of an exercise is a ridiculous and potentially damaging goal. Previously, I was taught all about the repertoire, which is a good thing for sure. But just having the basics of the repertoire is like memorizing the dictionary but never sitting down to write a love letter with all those beautiful words to choose from. I am ever grateful for the ability to see with new eyes. To have put myself into a world that I didn’t even know existed and to do the same in turn for others is not only the essence of partnering with ourselves, it is the at the core of being fully participatory with the universe.
- Naomi Rayman
I decided to apply for Wendy’s mentoring program for 3 main reasons, one being that I was very curious about Wendy’s ideas and her embodied teachings and I wanted to dive deeper. I also wanted a way of looking at the body and teaching through a different lens, and I also wanted to learn and be inspired! The program was multi-faceted with readings, writings and projects in between our weeklong intensives together. I was able to “let go” of my old ways of thinking about things and come from a new place with my teaching. Being in Austin with Wendy’s PCA Staff and Asheville immersed in nature for the weeklong intensives was so valuable as I tend to rush through things, so learning to take time is reflected now in how I teach clients from an embodied perspective and take that into my own practice and in my whole life. Completing my personal project of teaching a workshop about relating to gravity was a challenge, but also a highlight. It really helped to strengthen my communication skills which has elevated how I can communicate with clients more effectively. An amazing gift has been that I’ve been able to identify places where I get stuck and situations that have been holding me back. I feel much more free and in line with my vision of the world, my life and teaching.
- Sarah Carrasco
I watched many great teachers on Pilates Anytime but resonated most with Wendy's holistic approach to movement. All along I had dabbled in Eastern philosophy and disciplines, but the opportunity to work with a mentor who could take my tiny sparks of understanding/embodiment to a more authentic, integrated level was something I couldn't pass up.
- Renee McCoy
The 2017-18 Passing The Torch Mentorship with Wendy LeBlanc - Arbuckle was absolutely life-changing for me, personally, professionally and spiritually. And as Wendy does so poetically, she created a safe space for each of us to grow, challenge ourselves and our limits and step into ourselves in a new, deepened and organic way. She encouraged us to stand for what is right, to stand for ourselves and to step into our life with full potential and zest. She demonstrated immense gratitude for life, joy and for being comfortable in our own skin and life that proved to be absolutely contagious! What a gift. Little did I know when signing up for this experience, that the year would be full of some of my life’s biggest and most exciting growth opportunities. During the program my husband and I made the decision to purchase the Pilates studio where I had been working for years, The Mindful Body Pilates Studio. Having Wendy to call upon and seek sound advice, input and suggestion during this phase of life was extraordinary. She sat with me, really listened to my excitement and concerns, and helped me to see what an amazing opportunity I had before me. Wendy also encouraged me to step into this ownership role with a sense of integrity, respect for my co-workers and for myself as a business owner. She highlighted the importance of communication, relationship and trust and was a true mentor throughout the entire process. This yearlong program helped me to become the best mother, wife, daughter, business owner and version of myself that I can be…. I am forever full of gratitude for
this amazing experience!
- Stacie Barber
Honestly, when I signed up for Passing the Torch, I had no idea what I was in for. I didn’t have a lot of expectations. I knew that I felt something was missing in my Pilates practice, but hadn’t been able to figure out exactly what. At the beginning of the program we started the readings and the panic set in. I wasn’t sure I could handle this. Reading and writing papers brought up a lot of old fears. But I remember Wendy saying there is no right or wrong. Being able to meet some of the past Passing the Torch Graduates reaffirmed that this was the right spot for me. The general idea I received from them was you have no idea the impact this will have on you. Now as I finish the program I know exactly what they meant. Not only did I grow as a pilates instructor but also my sense of who I am in the world has grown. In the past, I have questioned the why and how I teach pilates. Now I know my instincts were right on. We all have unique ways. We have been encouraged to find what works well for us. Wendy is not looking for us to be all the same. But she has challenged us to become the best that we can be. I feel I have learned to trust my own voice and that what I have to say is valid. The confidence I have gained is remarkable. I have been reminded to love myself for where I am today and envision a better tomorrow. The old voices are very rarely heard from anymore and when they do arise, I’m able to turn them off. This program put together the meaning of mind, body and spirit.
- Susan Burke
My experience in the mentoring program reached so many more realms than I could have ever anticipated or even expected. I immediately chose to be a part of the first group of mentees of Wendy's because I was craving to learn more about our relationship to gravity and how yielding to gravity reflexively created internal lift. This is just one of the many concepts that forms the body of work of Wendy's 3Core Connections. What I didn't expect was to learn so much about myself and to gain a deeper understanding of how I related to my clients, family and friends and my body. This perhaps has been the greater lesson, being in the inquiry rather than trying to control and train my body into being something it should be. I'm eternally grateful and I'm able to take this knowledge and use it to build a new Pilates studio with 2 fellow mentees, knowing fully well we are all equipped with what it takes to come together, to respect each other and to work as a team.
- Sybil Shearburn