
3CoreConnections® Personal Experiences With Pilates Series

Personal Experiences With Pilates Series Video Series

"The greatest force in the human body is the natural drive of the body to heal itself, but that force is not independent of the belief system which can translate expectations into psychological change. Nothing is more wondrous about the 15 billion neurons in the human brain than their ability to convert thoughts, hopes, ideas, and attitudes into chemical substances. Everything begins, therefore, with belief." - Norman Cousins

Within the 3CoreConnections® Embodied Perspective, we are challenging the common "belief" that we are objects to be trained and fixed. This belief leads us to fight gravity, creating excess tension that leads to chronic back, shoulder, knee, hip, neck injuries and problems, and always looking outside ourselves for someone else to "fix" us. We are not machines….. we are connected to and part of the natural world that surrounds us. When we learn to listen to our body's deep intelligence, we alter our thought patterns, and begin to be guided by a new way of being that is empowering and energizing. Stop exercising and begin energizing with us as we share "personal experience" stories that will inspire and feed your life journey!

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